Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Introduction. The importance of this research subject reflects the fact that deviant behavior has a strong risk factor for social deprivation. The expansion of prevention methods with new means can improve the qualitative efficiency of practical work. A key part of psychological work is also the creation of methods for identifying and responding to bullying facts in the process of observation and training. Developing empathy, identifying and preventing bullying can be considered as a new form of visualization. Objective. Analysis of the modeling basis of the gamification method for correctional training. Methodology. Theoretical work in which the relationship between gamified learning methods and psychological phenomena that can have a productive effect on socialization is analyzed. The experience of introducing gamification in other studies for psychological support is analyzed. Using the data obtained by Russian and foreign psychologists, the authors have examined the possibility of applying the principles of gamification as a tool of correcting bullying and aggressive behavior. Results. As a result, modern examples of the use of gamified programs in the field of empathy development and prevention of aggressive behavior were selected and described. Taking into account the foreign experience and local examples, the authors make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of these methods.
gamification, bullying, empathy, correction of aggression
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