Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents in the context of spiritual and moral education
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Abstract (English):
Abstract: The article deals with one of the urgent problems of modern educational practice – the problem of prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents as a necessary condition for the progressive and safe development of society and civilization as a whole. When examining the problem under consideration, the authors focus on the study of the phenomenon of deviant behavior, since the effective implementation of preventive educational practice requires a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the essence of deviant behavior. On the basis of this statement, the authors have studied the main types of deviant behavior, its leading socio-psychological determinants, the system of the most adopted scientific approaches to the interpretation of this scientific category, as well as pedagogical strategies for the prevention of this type of behavior. The complex of applied forms and methods of pedagogical prevention crucially determines the effectiveness of preventive measures, and therefore, this aspect is also reflected in our article. Particular attention is paid to the problem of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. Achieving a high level of spirituality and morality both of an individual and society is considered as a kind of unconditional guarantee of preventive work to prevent adolescent deviance.

prevention, deviant behavior, socialization, spiritual and moral education, prevention
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