Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Venture funds are an element of the infrastructure that supports innovation. They make a significant contribution to the development of the national innovation system, as well as increase industrial competitiveness and high-tech production. This article describes the long-term strategic priorities for the developmentof domestic venture funds. The research relied on the method of regression analysis, as well as on the theoretical and practical concept of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint and adapted for the venture capital market. These methods made it possible to analyze the global and national strategic trends in the development of venture funds. The analysis of strategic documents provided a strategic assessment of the effect of venture capital and government R&D expenses on various indicators of the Russian economy. It also revealed the role of public and private fundings as strategic multipliers of innovative activity. The data obtained allowed the authors to formulate the strategic priorities for the development of venture funds in Russia.
strategizing, venture funds, strategic trends, financing infrastructure
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