Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations for the formation of an innovative model of the agricultural sector of the domestic economy. Innovative development as a mechanism for strategic modernization of agricultural industries at the present stage is a key factor in improving its socio-economic indicators, and innovations form the basis for ensuring the pace and quality of increasing the country's production potential and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products. Research methods. To reveal the purpose, the theoretical and methodological basis was the fundamental research of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of innovative development of the agricultural sector of Russia. In particular, the monographic method was used in the process of studying promising experience in the development of innovative infrastructure; analytical – for a systematic analysis of the current state of development of innovative infrastructure of agricultural enterprises; tabular-graphic – for visual presentation of research materials; comparison – to compare economic phenomena within different time periods in order to establish causal relationships. Scientific novelty. In the course of the research, a methodological context for the formation of an innovative model based on the principles of sustainable development was developed, taking into account the importance of the agricultural sector as a system in which relations guaranteeing the country’s food security are implemented. Results. Strategic priorities and ideological guidelines are proposed for the implementation of the concept of permanence in the agricultural sector of the economy as part of solving the problem of innovatization of the industry with subsequent increase in its competitiveness. The study of trends and patterns of functioning of economic entities in the conditions of permanent changes in the external and internal environment shows that the development of economic systems in recent years is mainly associated with innovative activities that provide modernization, renewal, structural restructuring and, as a result, increasing the economic efficiency of the agrarian economy.

agricultural sector, innovation, innovation model, sustainable development
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