This work is devoted to the development of technology and special equipment for the cultivation of spontaneously developing functioning endothelial capillary networks in vitro as the basis of artificial cloth-like structures with desired biological properties. It is the scientific and engineering projects RFBR №94-04-13544 «Structural analysis of microvascular bifurcations" and №96-04-50991 «Cell and Tissue Engineering endothelium (formation in endothelial culture in vitro the functioning self-developing capillary networks)." The proposed technology allows the author to form three-dimensional capillary endothelial network around micro-fluidic arrays, immersed in a specially designed dynamic gel. In 2013, the Korean research team under the lea-dership Noo Li Jeon has reproduced, using a similar approach, the phenomenon of self-developing functioning endothelial capillary networks with mass transfer in vitro. It has fully confirmed the validity of the concept pro-posed in the listed projects. Using system of the mathematical modeling Matlab & Simulink and system engi-neering design Cadence Orcad it was developed simulation mathematical model and circuit diagrams experimental reactor modules, it allows to saving considerable financial resources allocated to research and de-velopment of this kind. The resulting model contains 5.4 million basic Simulink blocks and performs more than 7,000 different mathematical functions, reflecting the behavior of devices in stationary and non-stationary conditions. Device control is based on neural network technology. Portable stand-alone microcomputers cyber platform includes microfluidic matrix, generators of microflows liquid phase nutrient medium, life-support systems of endothelial culture system of automatic digital imaging process of angiogenesis, the transmission system of encrypted data over a secure radio, digital control systems. All systems are backed up multiple times, allowing the product to operate in stand-alone mode for a long time (up to a year or more).
endothelial capillary networks in vitro, microfluidic chips, hardware platform, microflows
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