In the northern regions of the Russian Federation, there are many various abandoned civilian and military facilities. In the middle of the last century, in the process of developing the territories of the Far North and the Arctic Circle, facilities were built, which at the end of the 20th century were simply abandoned, military facilities, fishing villages, trading posts were abandoned. Currently, interest in the north is being renewed, a small part of the objects is being restored, but most of the objects have lost their relevance, their restoration is practically meaningless, they are subject to demolition and dismantling. This has led to a significant increase in requests for state contracts for demolition and dismantling of real estate in the northern regions of Russia. However, many of them do not find performers, which is due to the peculiarities of the implementation of contracts in the regions of the North. The authors identified these features and suggested ways to improve the contracting system in the area under study.
regional economy; open management; socio-economic development; public procurement; contracts; contracting
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