employee from 01.08.2012 until now
MAU "SP No. 12" (AHCH, Deputy Chief Medical Officer)
employee from 01.09.2008 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The widespread use of dental implants for the restoration of missing teeth has expanded the possibilities of treatment for both patients and dentists. After tooth extraction, the jaw bones decrease significantly in volume over time (atrophy). During the first year, 25% of bone tissue is lost in the area of the removed tooth, and in the next 2–3 years, bone tissue is reduced by 50% of the original volume. After the implants are installed, the loss of bone tissue stops. The increasing use of implants also necessitates both new studies of implant designs, materials, and technologies for the use of dental implants. Such research has increased dramatically over the past two decades and is expected to expand. The scientific literature we have studied shows that the success of dental implants largely depends on the quality and quantity of available bone in the recipient site. However, this may be disrupted or unavailable due to bone diseases, trauma, periodontal disease, etc., which, in turn, requires additional manipulations with the bone. Subject. Professional and psychological capabilities of a doctor to work effectively in a situation of uncertain outcome of a surgical operation. The relevance of this study is due to the need to prevent complications of implantation surgery in the professional activity of a dentist-surgeon in conditions of insufficient thickness of the alveolar process. The need for this study was also dictated by the needs of patients using implantological systems in maintaining the quality of life. The aim is to study the installation and preservation of the implant with insufficient thickness of the alveolar process. Methodology. A retrospective study of patients with insufficient thickness of the alveolar process who underwent implantation treatment was conducted. Patients were included in the study if they had one or more implants without clinical signs of implant mobility. Results. The patient was treated with surgical tactics with insufficient thickness of the alveolar process; antibacterial therapy; chemical decontamination and the imposition of an allogeneic graft. Conclusions. Bone expansion using a piezoscalpel is a reliable and relatively safe way to expand narrow ridges. The method of expansion of the bone ridge allows to obtain the optimal thickness of the bone for implantation of the implant. The expansion of atrophic rollers with the use of piezoscalpel is a technique that does not require bone collection, reducing the time of surgery and postoperative morbidity, which leads to a reduction in the duration of rehabilitation.
resource approach during complex surgical intervention, piezosurgery, splitting of the alveolar ridge, implantation, insufficient thickness of the alveolar process
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