Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The need for science to master the new reality inevitably involves a radical change of philosophical, methodological patterns and mechanisms of cognition. This poses a number of problems that are difficult to solve only on the basis of sound scientific methods. Required is also the use of new cognitive mechanisms, including psychological protection of man and his ability to influence the processing of the incoming information on the merits. Traditional scientific mechanisms are limited in their capabilities and therefore require an intuitive getting into the known and innovative thinking. Development of innovative thinking requires the society, which is radiating energy of creative environment, aimed at innovative transformations. Within this single concept formed a very important process, automatically pushing superconscious to the fore. The ratio of the rational and the intuitive turns a new paradigm of scientific knowledge in practice of creative noosphere, the sphere of synergy. The two systems can operate simultaneously in the operation of market institutions, providing a synergistic effect. The results of the analysis associated with the formation of innovation and cultural environment necessary for the formation and development of innovative processes in the countries and at the international level. It is noted that the combination of traditional culture and innovation and cultural environment should be assessed as the competitive advantages of the country. In the interests of achieving the unity of the individual, the people and the state play a positive role in adherence to the principles of national traditions of collectivism and catholicity. In the transition to the path of innovative development the main component affecting the internal and external transformation of society, according to the authors, is represented by perfectly formed innovation infrastructure in innovation-cultural environment. The innovative active person should be recognized as a priority. Progressive system, that takes into account the interests of the majority rather than a particular group, increases its positive potential. This is crucial, as without it cannot be implemented models of modernization of the real sector of the Russian economy and its integration into the modern international economy. The article examines the key issues of this economic development.

innovation infrastructure, innovation and cultural environment, economy

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