Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Physical inactivity is one of the most important risk factors for many chronic diseases in older age. To address this problem, the consequences of which have a significant impact on the sustainability of national wealth in many developed countries, consumer technologies can be used to provide easy-to-use tools to enable older people to optimize their health-related quality of life. and promote active and healthy longevity. This white paper describes a technical platform called vINCI, resulting from the integration of consumer technology with assisted living solutions and services, where multiple wearable devices work together to create an aggregated solution capable of capturing various aspects of events leading to a reduction in perceived quality. a health-related life that is commonly associated with old age. Based on the results of specialized medical examinations, vINCI technology allows older people not only to self-assess their level of physical activity, but also to change their behavior and lifestyle in the long term.

consumer technology integration, assisted lifestyle, quality of life, platform
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