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Abstract (English):
In modern conditions tourism is seen as an important factor of socio-economic development of the administrative-territorial units. In this case, each region has an opportunity to disclose its tourist potential and on this basis to identify conditions that determine the possibilities of a better use of tourist potential. Since the foundation of the tourist potential of the region are the objects of tourism, defining the extent of its appeal to the target audience, special attention should be paid to the formation of a certified database, reflecting their quantitative and qualitative composition. The article describes the approaches to the systematization of tourist objects of an administrative and territorial unit according to the types of tourist space: natural, cultural, historical, anthropological, recreation, event, service, mythological, scientific, as well as the different subtypes and groups to display. The results of the study of tourist objects are made by this technique for the city of Pushkino, Moscow region. The features are highlighted, which are contributing to the formation of the overall perception for tourists of the attractiveness of the city and reflect the results of the structural analysis of the quantitative composition of the tourist sites of the city on the typological classification criteria and territorial location. Identified are possible characteristics of Pushkino´s administrative territory, which has sufficient capacity to promote the tourist market by actively developing suburbs in several types of tourism and attract the interest of different target audiences. Identified are types of tourism development and positioning in terms of territorial competition to which the city should pay particular attention. Formulated are the basic conditions for their successful development, contributing to the creation of tourist image of Pushkino, which is set apart from other administrative units of the Moscow region.

tourist potential, tourist facilities, characteristics, Pushkino, Moscow Region

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