Sergiev Posad, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the theoretical and practical problems encountered in the relation of shared construction of apartment buildings with the participation of citizens, considered as a means of ensuring the implementation of these commitments and to determine their effectiveness. One way to ensure fulfillment of the obligations of the builder is the colleteral. Described is a specific design of collateral with the plurality of persons in undertaking, which is a commitment to share, where each participant shared construction is entitled to the satisfaction of their claims due to the value of the collateral in a certain share. We do not assume the presence of the same size and the nature of the mortgagee´s claims, as well as due to satisfaction. Described are foreclosures on the collateral, which is possible not earlier than 6 months after the deadline to transfer the object of shared construction under the contract, termination or suspension of construction of the property in the circumstances are indicating that the object of shared construction clearly will not be shared within the prescribed period. Described are mechanisms to ensure fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the developer of a joint construction of an apartment building, which include: bank guarantee and insurance of civil liability. Described are the main provisions of the institute of civil liability of parties to the contract of a joint construction, which has two main functions: compensatory, or remedial, and preventive. Defined are grounds for bringing parties to the contract of a joint construction to civil liability, which is considered to be committing an offense, namely, non-performance or improper performance of contract terms.
construction, equity, protection of rights
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