Russian Federation
On the twenty second of June in 1941 started a tragic page of history of our country - the Great Patriotic War. Someone’s sons, husbands, fathers went to the front, their wives, mothers, children and elders remained in the rear. There wasn’t a family which wasn’t touched by ruthless war.
Great Patriotic War, front, war, blockade, cemetery.
УДК 81.432.1
The Great Patriotic War in my family
Baskakova Ekaterina, student
Maklakova Elena Albertovna
Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies
Russia, Voronezh.
DOI: 10.12737/10815
Summary: On the twenty second of June in 1941 started a tragic page of history of our country - the Great Patriotic War. Someone’s sons, husbands, fathers went to the front, their wives, mothers, children and elders remained in the rear. There wasn’t a family which wasn’t touched by ruthless war.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, front, war, blockade, cemetery.
My family isn’t an exception: my great grandfather contributed to great victory. My great grandfather’s name is Gridin Michael Fedorovich. He was born near Armavir, Krasnodar region. Later he with his family moved to Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, where still my grandparents are living. Before recruiting he was attorney’s assistant. When he went to the front, he was twenty five years old and left his wife and his baby. In wartime he supplied food to blockade Leningrad. One day, when he again did his dangerous work, he was mortally wounded and died. He was buried in 1943 on the Piskarevsk cemetery in Moscow not far from central alley. This photo is the only thing I have from my great grandfather. I am proud of my ancestor because he was protecting his family, his country and didn’t afraid of loosing his life!