Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Relevance. The use of physiologically active substances (PhAS) is firmly entrenched in cultivation technology, being one of the main tools for realizing the full potential of agricultural crops. In grape nursery, acids are mainly used as a non-root top dressing at school, practically without studying modern complex stimulants. In this connection, the study and testing of new drugs regulating the growth of the grape plant in the classical technology of grafting grapes is a promising and relevant research topic. The purpose is the determination of the effect of treatment with solutions of physiologically active substances of the basal part of the grafted seedling immediately before planting vaccinations in the school, on the yield and quality of the root system of grape seedlings. Methods. The methods of setting up the experience and analyzing the data obtained were used in the work, which are generally accepted in the practice of nursery breeding. Results. The use of PhAS solutions increased the yield of seedlings of table grapes of Smirnov's Memory, with an increase in control from 11.7 to 43.3 %. There is a steady tendency to decrease the efficiency of treatment with an increase in its duration from 1 to 2 days. On the technical grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon, the increase in the yield of seedlings to control varied from 5.0 to 36.7 %. The use of PhAS contributed to the powerful development of the root system, which can be seen in qualitative analysis. The number of roots increased when processing the basal part of the seedling before planting from 12.3 to 16.7 pieces (Pamyati Smirnova) and from 8.7 to 16.3 pieces (Cabernet Sauvignon), or more control by 19.42–62.14 % and 4.82–96.39 %, respectively, by varieties. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Rostov region, modern growth stimulators Gumat+7 YOD, Cultimar, nanosilicon were studied during pre-treatment of the basal part of the inoculation. Practical significance. The research results can be used in the practice of grape nursery to improve the adaptation of vaccinations in school, stimulate the development of the root system and increase the yield of seedlings.

grapes, nursery, grafted seedling, nursery garden, physiologically active substance, root system, seedling yield, Gumat+7 YOD, Cultimar, NanoSilicon
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