UDK 624 Строительные конструкции. Подземное строительство. Земляные работы. Фундаменты, основания и их устройство. Строительство тоннелей. Строительство мостов. Строительство наземных сооружений
UDK 004.9 Прикладные информационные (компьютерные) технологии
The operational-tactical characteristics of the object of mass stay of people of the Municipality of the Cinema and Concert Hall "October" in Lipetsk are considered. The layout of the object of protection, the existing external and internal fire-fighting water supply are given. The calculation of forces and means for extinguishing a fire in the auditorium on the first floor of the facility, as well as in the control room on the second floor, was carried out. It is noted that, based on the practice of extinguishing fires, the most effective fire extinguishing agents in enclosed spaces are water and foam. A diagram of the possible development of a fire is shown in the figure. The calculation of the required number of barrels, vehicles and the number of personnel for extinguishing and protecting the premises of the object under consideration was carried out. A diagram of the deployment of fire departments on the ground to extinguish a fire in the auditorium of this object is given. The organization of communication during fire extinguishing is considered. Based on the calculations performed, it was concluded that there are enough forces and means to extinguish these fires according to the first or second options for the development of a possible fire, it is not necessary to attract additional forces and means for the second fire rank.
Modeling, fire safety, crowded object, fire development schemes, calculation of forces and means, fire extinguishing deployment, fire extinguishing systems.
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3. Sazonova, S.A. Control of load-bearing structures of technological overpasses / S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, A.A. Osipov // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2022. - V. 988(5). - P. 052012. - DOI: 10.1063/5.0093524.
4. Sazonova, S.A. Monitoring concrete road pavement damages / S.A. Sazonova, S.D. Nikolenko, N.V. Akamsina // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - 2022. - V. 988(5). - P. 052054. - DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/988/5/052054.
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