When controlling a modern vessel while moving on a course and under the condition of an integrated bridge satu-rated with instruments, the skipper does not pay enough attention to the analysis of a complex navigational situa-tion, which leads to a chaotic and unpredictable passage of the route. The method of estimating the spectral densi-ty of stochastic processes in the problems of identification, filtering and forecasting of ship management when solving issues of assistance in decision-making by the boat master in navigation and control actions and route op-timization is investigated. The prediction of a stochastic process in real time is investigated on the basis of the ob-tained spectral density estimate, the results of modeling on a ship computer, the convergence rate and the accura-cy of the solution of the problem. The paper also substantiates the need for the formation of stochastic thinking at the future navigator, which allows, based on intuitive and logical thinking, to abandon at the initial stage of solving a problem from deliberately false options for the development of the process in order to ensure the safety of navi-gation.
prediction, correlation, spectral density, stochastic, modeling, auto-regression, factorization, stochastic thinking
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