student from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2021
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 30 Теория, методология и методы общественных наук в целом. Социография
The practice and events of recent years have proven that it has already been compared with the most advanced democracies like the US and Canada in terms of jurisprudence, even though it has a genuine form. The bitter political battles of recent years have been characterized by an irresistible claim of criminal prosecution, election from a soft parliamentary political skirmish that has transformed into a violation of the right to speech and the presumption of innocence, and the final interpretation by some deputies of discussions and elections of protests as high treason and a coup d'état. There is an unexpected collateral sacrifice in this universal judicial policy. Several large associations of leaders and state, legal or military institutions were defended in plagiarism in their doctoral dissertations.
plagiarism, higher education, democracy, judicial practice.
1. Myasoedov, A. I. Za predelami plagiata: nauchnaya etika i drugie ee aspekty / A. I. Myasoedov // Smysly, cennosti, normy v bytii cheloveka, obschestva, gosudarstva: sbornik statey i materialov / Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv im. P.I. Chaykovskogo. – Chelyabinsk : Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv im. P.I. Chaykovskogo, 2020. – S. 188-192. – EDN ZUJPUX.
2. Myasoedov, A. I. Izuchenie plagiata s mezhkul'turnoy tochki zreniya / A. I. Myasoedov // Zhurnal sociologicheskih issledovaniy. – 2021. – T. 6. – № 3. – S. 38-44. – EDN LUGGXO.
3. Myasoedov, A. I. Osvedomlennost' studentov o plagiate v preobrazovanii teksta / A. I. Myasoedov // Vestnik obrazovatel'nogo konsorciuma Srednerusskiy universitet. Seriya: Gumanitarnye nauki. – 2021. – № 20. – S. 39-41. – EDN OLMFQL.
4. McCarthy, D., & Schlueter, J. A Brief Discourse of Rebellion and Rebels” by George North: A Newly Uncovered Manuscript Source for Shakespeare’s Plays. UK: D.S. Brewer.. 2018.
5. Merton, R.K. The Matthew Effect in science. Science, 159(3810), pp. 56-63. 1968.
6. Popoveniuc, B. The Rationality of University. Hypothesis. Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, and Social and Political Sciences, 1(1), pp. 48-65. 2014.
7. Popoveniuc, B.. Matei în Academie sau efectul acumulării avantajelor în lumea academică” [Mathew in Academia or the effect of accumulated advantage in higher education system]. In Maria Duca (coord.), Filosofia şi perspectiva umană: materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice consacrată Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei, Chişinău: UNAŞM, 2015, pp. 34-46.
8. Weber-Wulff, D. False Feathers: A Perspective on Academic Plagiarism. Springer Science & Business. 2014.