Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It is evident that requirement of medical personification includes two procedures: individual (with uninterrupted procedure of human organism state measurement) diagnostics and the second part which is connected with uninterrupted control of the efficiency of medical treatment and measurements of human organism parameters. According to classic deterministic-stochastic approaches we don´t have any possibility for realization of the basic principle in medicine because every human organism has its own specific features. We conduct the diagnostics according to beha-vior of state vector of human organism in phase space of states according to every coordinates of human´s state vector and with calculation of quasiattractors. It was presented new bioinformational methods and software for calculation of quasiattractors parameters for dissolving such contradic-tions between deterministic-stochastic medicine and the use of theory of chaos self-organization where the state vector of human organism demonstrates uninterrupted movements. The practical results of such procedure are also presented according to the theory of chaos self-organization.

quasi-attractors, self-organization chaos theory, the state vector of the human organism.

В своём обращении к потомкам И.Р. Пригожин [12] указывал, что наука не занимается уникальными системами (объектами, процессами). Но это относится к науке, основанной на детерминистско-стохастическом подходе (ДСП) Однако, именно к уникальным системам относится человек, его организм, функциональные системы организма (ФСО), а также популяции организмов, социумы, биосфера Земли, наша Галактика, Вселенная. Все это объекты единичные, их эволюция неповторима, а их описание требует других подходов, отличных от общепринятого ДСП [12,22].


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