graduate student
Purpose: To consider the issue on feasibility of using both conventional and stainless steels from the point of view of their application at the construction of buildings and structures made of Light Steel Thin-Walled Structures (LSTWS) in Northern climatic conditions. To identify main advantages and disadvantages in the use of light steel thin-walled structures in construction. To determine the most vulnerable spots at building construction from LSTWS. Methods: When conducting research on the effectiveness of steel various grade application for prefabricated construction and building structures in Northern climatic conditions, comparison methods were used from chemical and physical points of view. Results: The expediency and efficiency of using AISI 201 grade steels are substantiated. AISI 201 steel advantages not only from chemical but also from mechanical look are indicated. The vulnerabilities of the given steel at structure and building construction during exploitation are described. Ways to protect structures made of carbonaceous and low-alloy steels, depending on their assignment and operating conditions, have been defined. Practical significance: Study results show that AISI 201 steel is the most efficient from economic point of view. It is necessary to apply protection approaches for steel building materials at structure construction and exploitation as well as to use steel various types against an application sphere.
Constructional low-alloy steels, stainless steels, LSTWS, steel impact strength, thin-walled structures
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