Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the issue of the assignment of marking work accuracy at reconstruction stage of a technically complex object. To show the need in accuracy preliminary calculation. After the assignment of geodetic measurement accuracy, to perform geodetic network designing in Credo.dat software package. To determine leveling class that satisfies formed requirements. Methods: Measurement error theory, least squares method, parametric adjustment method, modeling of geodetic networks using package of applied programs. Results: Requirements for the accuracy of marking works were established based on the ones of current regulatory documents. The sequence of the formation of requirements for definition of accuracy in geodetic staking base locations and requirements for the accuracy of used geodetic instruments is considered. Separately, the accuracy of planned and altitudinal geodetic networks is calculated. The possibility to apply class III leveling program when creating altitudinal network to meet accuracy established requirements is shown. Practical significance: The sequence of geodetic work accuracy assignment during historical object reconstruction is outlined on a particular example, the proposed methodology can be recommended for a practical use.

Appointment of accuracy, geodetic works, geodetic monitoring, polygonometry, geometric leveling
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