, Russian Federation
Purpose: To perform working efficiency analysis of catenary separately standing reinforced-concrete supports in high-speed railway conditions, to develop measures and constructive solutions of the supports of increased reliability and durability. Methods: Analysis of typical constructive solutions according to Russia State Standard GOST 19330-99 given their exploitation experience, the use of numerical calculation methods involving calculation programs. Results: The disadvantages of being applied structures of catenary supports on railways with the use of steel and reinforced concrete are analyzed. The calculations of typical reinforced-concrete support bearing capacity and rigidity according to GOST 19330-99 with the use of SCAD computing complex for the effect of vital climatic and exploitational burdens, including ones from wind pressure at high-speed rolling stock motion trains at the speed of 300 km/h, are made. Innovative support construction has been developed which includes pillar of reinforced concrete, fiber-reinforced concrete or steel on reinforced-concrete foundation, the construction is combined with alignment-free mounting method to ensure the impermeability of construction being united parts. Practical significance: The reserves for working efficiency of typical separately-standing reinforced-concrete catenary supports in the conditions of high–speed railway trunk St. Petersburg - Moscow on project documentation basis are revealed. The possibility of pressure perception by supports from wind flow at train motion of 300 km/h speed has been established. The application of innovative combined steel-concrete structure of catenary support construction and its mounting ways are proposed. The use of support mounting and construction new way would allow to reduce support mounting laboriousness as well as to rise support reliability and durability in exploitation changing conditions.
Catenary supports, reinforced concrete structure, steel concrete, mounting, reliability, durability
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