Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the application of the process approach in the management of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. In conditions when the fuel and energy sector plays a key role in the economy of a country like Russia, with increased uncertainty and complexity of forecasting changes in the external environment, it is necessary to develop new approaches to managing business processes in this area. The rapid transformation of the global balance in the energy market, the redistribution of forces and gravity points taking place at the moment, set new development goals for the entire industry as a whole and for individual companies. We should not lose sight of the sanctions pressure caused by the escalated political confrontation between Russia and Western countries. It is proposed to identify key business processes at fuel and energy complex enterprises and to justify methodological approaches to their reengineering, taking into account the specifics of the industry and the need for a qualitative change in the behavior model of fuel and energy complex enterprises in new macroeconomic conditions.

business processes, energy, fuel and energy complex, raw materials economy, oil and gas industry, electric power industry, business process reengineering

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