Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today, due to the formation of a new order of international relations, the directions of development and the demand for consulting services in the Russian economy are very relevant. The nature of the economic environment and the very principles of its development determined a sharp change in the geopolitical situation. The model of integration into the global market that has developed over the past three decades will never be the same. The article analyzes the indicators of industrial production of the Russian Federation for the current 2022. The contribution of economic sectors to the growth of the index of industrial production of the mining and manufacturing industries of Russia was determined. The structural restructuring of the consulting sphere is characterized, innovations from the influence of social, political and economic changes are described and modern trends are determined. A structural analysis of the market for consulting services offers was carried out in the context of ongoing changes. Priorities for the development of Russia's consulting business for the near future have been identified.

consulting, business, market, production sector, geopolitical changes, industrial production index, manufacturing, mining, processes, optimization, structural transformations, consulting, directions, development, global transformation, trends, consulting offer

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