Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The aim of the paper is to develop a more advanced micromodel of a car motion in a traffic stream, which makes it possible to consider the factors influencing the process parameters when modelling. In the article, an additional analysis of the well-known «reasonable driver» model for simulating a car motion in a traffic stream is carried out and it is proposed to use the algorithmic model developed by the author. The offered model physically adequately describes the car motion when starting it off, accelerating, driving at a constant («desired») speed and braking up to a complete stop in the mode of following the «leader». The main principle of the interaction with the «leader» is to ensure a minimum but safe distance between them in all possible motion modes. The structure of the proposed model and the composition of the initial data necessary for its operation are given. The possibilities of the proposed model for predicting the car motion process in a traffic stream are also shown, taking into account specific road conditions and the car parameters
car, acceleration, deceleration, speed, traffic flow, micromodel, algorithmic model
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