Abstract. The purpose of the study is assess the performance of a variety of different types of vehicles used in agricultural production. Methods. An interpretation of the technical and economic indicators characterizing agricultural transport is proposed, the features of determining the productivity of a tractor transport unit, the cost of one transported ton are considered. Probability theory was used to determine the indicators “Load waiting time”, “Vehicle loading time”. The conditions of operation of vehicles as part of harvesting and transport complexes are considered. Results. Based on the field research, when harvesting corn for silage, the economic efficiency of the use of vehicles was determined. A comparative analysis was carried out using cars and tractor transport units. As a result of the research, it was revealed that for energy-saturated tractors, with tractor trailers corresponding to them in traction properties, the productivity is higher than for MTZ-82 tractors with trailers PST-9 and 2PTS-6 by 2.1–2.3 times than for KamAZ-5511 vehicles by 1.9 times. At the same time, unit costs are lower by 10–-13 % and 5.7 %, respectively. It is recommended that agricultural organizations harvesting fodder crops ensure the optimal ratio of forage harvesters and vehicles; if possible, when transporting green mass, use energy-saturated tractors with appropriate tractor trailers and heavy trucks with trailers. The scientific novelty consists in clarifying and supplementing such technical and economic indicators that characterize the operation of vehicles in agriculture, such as Coefficient of use of working time, Coefficient of use of load capacity, etc. Mathematical dependencies are proposed to calculate these indicators and assess their impact on transport economics.
technologies, costs, road transport, tractor transport units, indicators, productivity, economic efficiency, random variable, field research, green mass
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