Abstract. Due to the high demand for confectionery products, the development of these products enriched with functional food ingredients, including dietary fibers, is relevant. The novelty of the work lies in the use of non-traditional types of plant raw materials in the production of confectionery products – hemp flour and fiber, and the development of optimal conditions for the use of the ingredients in the production of products. The purpose of the research was to develop an experimentally based technology of cupcakes enriched with nutrients and dietary fibers contained in whole-ground hemp flour and fiber, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the properties of the developed confectionery products. Methods. In the experimental samples of cupcakes organoleptic, and physical and chemical indicators were determined, according to generally accepted methods; rheological indicators were determined on a structurometer; antioxidant activity by DPPH method; nutritional value – by calculation method. Results. It was found that samples with the addition of 20% hemp flour and 7% dietary fiber were characterized by optimal physical and chemical parameters. The lowest humidity, and alkalinity were found in the experimental samples. For all samples containing hemp flour, an increase in the mass fraction of moisture (up to 17 %) and the density of products (up to 0.66) was found. The highest form stability was established for samples No. 1 and No. 2 – 0.652 and 0.601 respectively, which is 2.9–11.6 % higher compared to control samples. The introduction of hemp flour and fiber into the cupcakes formulation allowed to increase the antioxidant activity of the finale product by 28.8–49.1 %. When the combination of the 20 % hemp flour and the 7 % fiber was use, the highest DPPH activity was observed. Thus, the use of hemp flour and fiber in the in the formulation of enriched cupcakes makes it possible to improve the antioxidant properties of confectionery products, as well as increase the content of protein, micronutrients and dietary fiber.
confectionery product, hemp flour, dietary fiber, functional food ingredient, antioxidant activity
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