Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research Was to study genetic diversity of bovine leukemia virus isolates obtained in the Belgorod Region using restriction fragment length polymorphism method (RFLP). Scientific novelty. Bovine leukosis is one of the most common chronic infectious diseases of cattle in many countries of the world, which causes significant economic losses in the livestock industry. The typing of bovine leukemia virus (BLV), the study of its genetic structure, the evaluation of the mutation vector and a more detailed disclosure of the biological properties of the pathogen represent fundamental and applied value. Methods. The object of the research was 3-4-year-old cows infected with leukemia virus (n = 10), identified by serological methods in disadvantaged dairy farms. The immunodiffusion (ID) test, hematologic studies, PCR, genotyping, statistical processing of obtained data were conducted. Results. Conducted hematological studies determined the stage of the leukemic process in each animal. The target env fragment of the BLV gene (444 bp) was amplificated by 2-stage nested PCR, and this region was genotyped for all studied leukemia virus isolates using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. In the course of the work, specific regions of the BLV env (gp51) gene, 970 bp long, were also obtained. We have given a primary assessment of the genetic diversity of BLV with the establishment of a genetic group (Belgian genotype according to RFLP). In the course of the work, specific regions of the env gp51 BLV gene, 444 bp long, were obtained. These fragments will be used for further DNA sequencing followed by phylogenetic analysis and determination of amino acid changes in the structure of the surface glycoprotein (gp51) of the bovine leukemia virus. Monitoring studies of BLV genotypes and the study of antigenic changes in the pathogen will allow timely development of the latest means of controlling and restricting the spread of bovine leukosis and improvement of diagnostic serological and PCR test systems.

bovine leukemia virus, molecular genetic characteristics, phylogenetics, hematology, cattle, genotyping, DNA sequencing, enzyme polymorphism reaction
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