graduate student from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2023
Russian Federation
Purpose. To identify the problems of providing food to the population of hard-to-reach territories with difficult climatic conditions on the example of the Okhotsk region (Khabarovsk Territory, Russia) and the Yukon territory (Canada). Tasks: - to identify the main indicators for analyzing the availability of food products necessary for the population living in the northern territories with similar climatic conditions; - to monitor prices for food products of the northern territories in relation to administrative centers; - to determine the factors influencing the provision of food for the population of the northern territories. Methodology. The study is based on the case-stage method. The article examines the situation with the provision of food for the population of the Okhotsk region of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Canadian territory of Yukon. In order to conduct a comparative analysis of the food market of the northern territories, the difficulties in supplying food products to remote settlements in the Yukon Territory (Canada) and the Okhotsk District of the Khabarovsk Territory (Russia) are similar in terms of climatic features, conditions for conducting agricultural activities, and population density. In the process of comparing these regions, general methods of economic and statistical analysis were applied. The problems of high life support tariffs, high price volatility for vital essential food items are considered. Results. A list of economic indicators necessary for the analysis of the availability of food products in the northern territories is presented. The article shows the ratio of prices for socially significant food products in the northern territories relative to administrative centers. The main factors influencing the availability of food products are determined. Conclusions. The main factors of the “low” quality of life, namely the availability of food products for the population of the northern territories, are: difficult logistics supplies, pricing for socially significant products, the level of wages, as well as the role of the state in regulating food supply processes and supporting remote northern territories.
northern territories, consumer market, transport and logistics infrastructure, food supplies
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