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Abstract (English):
Tea fungus (Medusomyces gisevii L.) is a natural symbiotic consortium of yeast-like fungi and bacteria. Scientific literature provides a lot of information about the consortium, but it is largely fragmentary. We aimed to review and systematize the information on the research topic. We studied scientific publications, conference proceedings, intellectual property, regulatory documents, and Internet resources on the M. gisevii consortium using Scopus, Web of Science, e.LIBRARY.RU, and Google Academy. The methods applied included registration, grouping, classification, comparative analysis, and generalization. We described the origin and composition of tea fungus, specifying the microorganisms that make up its symbiotic community depending on the place of origin. Then, we reviewed the stages of fermentation and cultivation conditions in various nutrient media and presented the composition of the culture liquid. Finally, we analyzed the antimicrobial effect of M. gisevii on a number of microorganisms and delineated some practical uses of the fungus. The data presented in this article can be used to analyze or develop new methods for the cultivation and application of M. gisevii. We specified some possibilities for using not only the culture liquid but also the fruit body of the fungus in various industries.

Kombucha, Medusomyces gisevii, composition, cultivation, application
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