SCC Group ( HR director)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of this article is to form a methodology for assessing the human capital of organization and the effectiveness of investments in it based on proactive leadership and a meta-program approach. Achieving the goal is based on solving two problems: firstly, the essence of the concepts of leadership, proactive leadership, and related concepts of human capital, human asset is analyzed, and secondly, the relationship between the concepts of human capital, proactive leadership and the effectiveness of organizations. The methodological basis of the study was the concepts of modern leadership developed by D. Goldman, R. Boyatzis and E. Mackey et al., the metaprogram approach of Patrick Merlevede, Michael Hall, the ideas of Jim Collins, the investment assessment model of Andre Mayo (Andrew Mayo ) — “The Human Capital Monitor®”, the theory of spiral dynamics. Considered the essence of the proactive leadership’s concept and highlighted the quality characteristics of proactive leadership. Analyzed the approach to personnel assessment based on meta-programs and behavioral models. Proposed for discussion the author’s view on the structure of human capital and methods for assessing the effectiveness of investments in its development.
human capital, human asset, proactive leadership, metaprograms
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