The marine engineer activity is associated with the need for communication in a multinational crew. The article deals with professionally-oriented foreign language training of marine engineers in the context of international conventions. The description of the developed guidebook "Oil Record Book" is given. The original professional situations offered in the guidebook for analysis show the conditions of the activity of mechanical engineers when they perform the main typical tasks of their professional activity and contribute to the improvement of foreign language speech competence. The basic unit of training is a typical professional task as a fragment of the subject context, the development of which includes not only the subject, but also the social component of the marine engineer future activity. The results of the work on the marine specialists training on the basis of the developed guidebook "Oil Record Book" as a means of forming competencies in the conditions of mastering typical tasks of professional work are analyzed. The features and dynamics of the development of professional foreign language communicative competencies are studied
foreign language communicative competence, conventions, typical professional task, marine specialists, integration, effective training
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