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Abstract (English):
The problems of the identity of the Belarusian people in historical, sociological and geopolitical aspects are analyzed. It is noted that the demand for a new identity has begun to manifest itself in modern Belarusian society, which, in turn, is impossible without an awareness of who Belarusians are and what they strive for. It represents not fully reflected awareness of the need for national consolidation of the Belarusian nation in the face of new challenges and threats. The problematic field of the Belarusian identity is considered in the context of revealing the content of the concept "ideology of the Belarusian state", which is presented as a combination of values formed by the Belarusian people themselves and values shared by the world community and not contradicting the national interests of the Republic of Belarus. The ideas of liberalism, conservatism, and socialism act as the ideological basis of values shared by the world community and not contradicting the national interests of the Republic of Belarus. The history of Belarus is presented as an ideological and ideological evolution of the Belarusian society based on the concept of the history of the Belarusian statehood as an inseparable process taking place in two forms: historical and national. It is concluded that the following installations should be unshakable. The modern Republic of Belarus is an independent sovereign state building a Union State with the Russian Federation. The Republic of Belarus is a member of the UN, it is recognized by the world community as a country with a high level of human development. At the same time, the mobilization of the Belarusian society is carried out on the basis of a constructive, creative civil and political identity, which is based on attitudes to socio-economic transformations aimed at improving the welfare of the population.

national identity, "Belarusianness", political ideology, ideology of the Belarusian state, national idea, action program
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