, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The development of modern regional economic systems is determined by many factors, the main of which are formed in the real sector of the economy. Considering the volume of output of economic goods and the structure of their redistribution between sectors of the economy as the basic indicator of production activity, the article proposes the use of value added redistributed to the real sector of the economy as an indicator of the level of development of regional economic systems characterizing their stability. The article provides a justification for the expediency of using indicators of the functioning of the real sector in each Russian region to assess the type of dynamics of territorial development, and also presents an original approach to normalizing the level of development of Russian regions. The normalization of the indicators of the economic dynamics of the regions was carried out using regression analysis methods and involves regular updating of values over time.
sustainable development, the real sector of the economy, industrial policy, regional economic system
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