Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
UDK 339.13 Рынок. Анализ рынка. Спрос. Предложение. Конкуренция. Маркетинг
UDK 330.33 Цикличность воспроизводства (Бизнес-цикл)
The work is devoted to the studying of the state of regional investment project markets during the thirty-year period of their functioning as separate segments of investment markets. The content of the concept “regional market of investment projects” is formulated. Four stages of its development are identified based on the analysis of the industry affiliation of investment projects and sources of their financing that were submitted for consideration and implementation in the Tula region in 1990 — 2021. The role of banking institutions and the state with its budget financing capabilities of investment components of national projects and state programs is shown. The scheme of interaction of participants of the regional market of investment projects has been developed. The characteristic features of the modern regional market of investment projects are noted, which make it possible to assess the relevance of investment proposals and the possibilities of the regions for their implementation.
financing, investment, investment project, regional markets, investment demand, investment offer, transformation
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