Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The professional education specifics of the chemical industry based on the Tula region experience are considered in the article. The long-term management experience of the cooperation between the agencies of the secondary professional education and the chemical enterprises is investigated. The authors explore the implementation of the federal project «Proffessionalitet» and the actual initiative practice of the employers in the professional education management.
secondary professional education, chemical industry, regional economy, federal project «Proffessionalitet», actual Russian tendencies
1. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt Ministerstva obrazovaniya Tul'skoy oblasti (https://education.tularegion.ru/).
2. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt informacionnogo agentstva «RIA Novosti» (http://www.rian.ru/).
3. O provedenii eksperimenta po razrabotke, aprobacii i vnedreniyu novoy obrazovatel'noy tehnologii konstruirovaniya obrazovatel'nyh programm srednego professional'nogo obrazovaniya v ramkah federal'nogo proekta «Professionalitet» [ot 16 marta 2022 g.] № 387 // Konsul'tantPlyus [Elektronnyy resurs]: spravochno-pravovaya sistema.
4. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt federal'nogo proekta «Professionalitet» (https://xn--n1abdr5c.xn--p1ai/).
5. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt GPOU TO «Uzlovskiy mashinostroitel'nyy kolledzh» (http://mashkolluzlv.ucoz.ru/).
6. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt AO «Plastik» (http://www.oaoplastic.ru/).
7. Lomovcev D.A. Fedorova T.A. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo v real'nom sektore na sovremennom etape razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii: monografiya. Tula: OOO RIF «INFRA», 2010. 151 s.