Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Studies based on the data of the Russian Monitoring of the Health and Economic Situation of the Population of the Higher School of Economics and the Survey of Wages by Occupations of Rosstat show that in modern Russia there is a degradation of the main function of education as a means of forming human capital. The degradation of the function of education is the result of methodological errors generated by the Bologna process, for example, the use of a competency-based approach, as well as the use of outdated archaic management principles based on the principles of a command-and-control approach to management. To overcome the degradation trends of the function of forming human capital in the education system, it is necessary to reject the methodological errors generated by the Bologna process, and abandon the outdated archaic principles of command and control management, and the transition to management based on modern approaches. Education quality control should be focused on assessing the human capital that graduates of educational institutions are endowed with, measured by their wages, while educational institutions should be spared from petty reporting and inspections that disorganize the educational process and contribute to the degradation of the main function of education.
methodological fallacies, competence-based approach, command and control principles of management
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