, Russian Federation
The stated trends in the digitalization of the Russian economy have predetermined the need to develop ways to automate the collection and transmission of departmental and other data, which, after appropriate analytical processing, can be used as a decision support tool by authorities in the field of public administration. The implementation of this task is possible by creating digital platform solutions, including in the strategic planning system, which is the purpose of this study. The paper determines that there is no system of interrelated elements in the existing register of strategic planning documents; the possibility of quantifying the contribution of the document to the achievement of national goals and strategic national priorities is not presented. It is shown that one of the ways to improve the effectiveness of the strategic planning system is the transition from the existing format of the register of documents to a set of documents in the format of an interconnected system of elements “goal-task-event-indicator” strictly in accordance with the accepted architecture, which can be implemented by creating a single digital information and analytical platform for strategic management. As a result, it is noted that in order to take into account a large number of relationships between the elements of strategic planning documents on the one hand and the resource provision of socio-economic development and national security on the other hand, the relationships within digital platform solutions should be expressed in the form of mathematical dependencies, which will ensure continuity, balance and consistency between the elements of strategic planning documents.
strategic planning, digital platform solutions, government information systems, unified digital information and analytical platform, national development goals, national projects, architecture of strategic planning documents
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