The criminal phenomenon of “thieves in law” and its impact on the activities of institutions of the Russian penal system are analyzed in the article. The criminal opposition organization, created among convicts under the general leadership of “thieves in law” in Russian prisons, is designed to serve their interests and maintain an order favorable to them among persons sentenced to imprisonment and prisoners in custody. Based on the conducted sociological research, the author comes to the conclusion that the employees of the Russian penal system do not have unambiguous moral criteria for evaluating the activities of this category of criminals in places of liberty deprivation. This, in turn, leads to the fact that there is no unified strategy for countering this criminal phenomenon in places of detention.
“thieves in law”, “thieves' law", criminal opposition, criminal community of Russia, criminal leaders, places of imprisonment, “obshchak", crime, crime prevention, correctional officers, “watchers”
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