The article examines the economic and legal, socio-political, informational, epidemiological determinants that have caused changes in Russian society, talks about a new territorial and legal structure, comprehensive informatization, COVID-19 coronavirus infection and the multilateral influence of these factors on the state of crime. The question is raised about the practical need for the formation of new types of forensic characteristics and the development of investigative techniques based on them, taking into account the specifics of the crime scene, thereby intensifying the activities of the inquirer, investigator. Two groups of criminalistic characteristics are distinguished: the first - according to the degree of generality and interrelation of the data that make up them, the second includes typical data on crimes committed in certain territories. This approach to the development of forensic characteristics will allow methodological recommendations to take into account the peculiarities of the territory where a specific crime is being investigated.
criminalistic characteristics of crime, classification, informatization, pandemic of coronavirus infection COVID-19, investigation methodology
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