Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article defines the concept of the principles of the penal enforcement legislation of Russia, examines the mechanisms for implementing the principles of legality, democracy, humanism, equality of convicts before the law. The author comes to the conclusion that the general legal principles are reflected in the norms of the penal enforcement legislation. Their content, with the exception of the principle of legality, has specifics, which consists in establishing the framework, defining the boundaries of public relations, within which the implementation of legal ideas is possible. The content of democracy is reduced to the idea of public participation in the process of execution of criminal penalties, taking into account the opinion of the convicted person, giving him a real opportunity to appeal against the actions (inaction) and decisions of the staff, participation in the life of the correctional institution. Humanism means the establishment of a minimum and guaranteed standard of living for convicts. Equality presupposes the existence of uniform rules that apply equally to all convicts. Having consolidated the general legal principles, the State assumed the obligation to implement them. However, there are legal norms in the law that are inconsistent with the established principles. Having singled out some of them, the author proposed solutions that are not indisputable, but represent an attempt to improve the domestic penal enforcement legislation.

the principle of legality, the principle of democracy, the principle of humanism, the principle of equality of convicts before the law
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