The review of the manuscript of the 4th edition of the monograph “Penal enforcement legislation in the conditions of a natural disaster, the introduction of an emergency or martial law” (2022) focuses on the fact that the work contains not only traditional sections from previous editions, but also new chapters and paragraphs concerning the problems of international law, criminal lawexecutive and other regulation of the legal status of prisoners of war convicts, corrective action in relation to them, as well as problems of the implementation of the institute of parole in a state of emergency. Giving a positive assessment of the work of the team of authors, the reviewer points out that in the following editions of the monograph, it is possible to increase the number of issues raised by additional study separately of both wartime penal enforcement law and penal enforcement law in emergency conditions.
penal enforcement legislation, natural disaster, state of emergency or martial law, parole, legal status of convicted prisoners of war, wartime penal enforcement law
1. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'noe zakonodatel'stvo v usloviyah stihiynogo bedstviya, vvedeniya chrezvychaynogo ili voennogo polozheniya : monografiya / I. A. Efremova, Yu. A. Kashuba, V. N. Orlov [i dr.] ; pod obsch. red. A. A. Krymova ; nauch. red. A. P. Skiby. 4-e izd., ispr. i dop. M. : Kriminol. b-ka, 2022. 360 s