, Russian Federation
The article considers the phenomenon of intertextuality as a textual category. The non-recognition of intertextuality can lead to communication failure in dialogic, when the recipient attempts to enter the communicative intention of the sender, as well as at the time of reading, when the recipient is decoding and analyzing the information received. The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of the more detailed study of such means of explication of intertextual connections as allusion and precedent phenomena within the modern German poetry Internet discourse. The aim of research is to identify the means of intertextuality actualization, that are the causes of communication failure in the interpretation of the modern German texts. Methodology and research methods. The research work used methods of systematization and generalization of the scientific material, a descriptive-analytical method, the method of lingual-stylistic analysis of the text. Results. The article focuses on the polyphony of the German poetry texts, that is expressed in the incorporation of literary and cultural-specific codes. Precedent phenomena and allusions are the sources of communication failures in German poetry discourse and they serve as preferential ways of building intertextual connections in German poems. The author recommends to increase the levels of linguistic and general cultural competence in order to minimize the communicative dissonance, that is a result of the non-recognition of intertextuality. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the specifics of communication failures on the example of modern German poetry discourse. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of using the obtained scientific results in special university basic courses on translation theory, cognitive linguistics, stylistics and culture of speech, linguo-stylistic interpretation of the text.
German poetry discourse, intertextuality, communication failure, precedent phenomenon, allusion
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