graduate student
UDK 004.738.5 Интернет
This article focuses on the concepts of politeness and antipoliteness and their manifestation in online comments. The aim of the article is to describe the concepts of "politeness" and "antipoliteness" as semantic phenomena consisting of a set of speech genres manifested in Internet communication. The semantic fields of politeness and antipoliteness are revealed, and a distinction is made between antipoliteness, rudeness and impoliteness. The paper analyses examples of politeness as ameliorative behaviour and impoliteness as pejorative behaviour. These behavioural manifestations are illustrated using examples of online comments (400 comments published on various Internet platforms served as the material for the study). A scheme illustrating the attribution of speech intentions defining a speech genre to polite or antipolite behaviour is proposed.
politeness, antipoliteness, online comment, semantic field, Internet communication, communication strategies, speech genres
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