Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the description and justification of prohibitions in the communicative behavior of a professional linguistic personality. The communicative taboos of a mediator as a neutral mediator in a conflict/dispute are considered. Attention is paid to the prohibitions associated with the mediator joining the parties in the negotiation process. The impossibility of direct observation of the mediator's communicative behavior in connection with the principle of confidentiality in mediation led to the choice of research methods and material: linguopragmatic and discourse analysis of open mediation sources, participant observation and intraprofessional communication with mediators. The author examines the implementation of the principle of neutrality in mediation and defines the value guideline of the mediator's communicative behavior – non-alignment with the parties. There are prohibitions that characterize joining as a strict taboo of the mediator's communicative behavior: verbal (language and speech) prohibitions, thematic and non-verbal (sound, mimic and gesture) prohibitions, spatial-temporal and organizational prohibitions. It is noted that joining the parties significantly affects the process and results of mediation. The mediator's partiality and emotional involvement can lead to the loss of confidence of the parties and to the end of negotiations. The high taboo nature of the mediator's communicative behavior requires from the specialist of this communicative profession the ability of self-reflection and self-control.

mediation, mediator, communicative behavior, professional discourse, joining the parties, taboo, prohibitions

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