Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents a summary of the work of the educational, scientific and methodological seminar "Theories and Practices of Applied Cultural Research" (December 08, 2022, Krasnoyarsk, Museum Center "Ploshchad Mira"), organized by the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Humanitarian Institute of the Siberian Federal University, which became part I scientific-practical conference "Siberian contemporary art". The seminar was devoted to the presentation of topical art studies in accordance with memorable dates for the world of culture and art: 1) 235th anniversary of the birth of the French artist and inventor Louis Daguerre; 2) 265th anniversary of the birth of the English poet and artist William Blake; 3) 95th anniversary of the birth of the Russian director Eldar Ryazanov; 4) 390th anniversary of the birth of the Dutch artist Jan Vermeer of Delft, also during the seminar, reports were presented on the topic "The Phenomenon of Chinese Documentary Film" and "Features of the Dialogue between the Work of Art and the Spectator".

Siberian contemporary art, daguerreotype, William Blake, Eldar Ryazanov, Jan Vermeer, Chinese documentary film, Aubrey Beardsley.

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