Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The article considers the overpopulation of cities as the main factor, which significantly worsens the state of the natural environment. It was found out that today there are already sixteen cities in our country, the population of which has exceeded one million people. The overpopulation of cit-ies is due to the active internal migration of the population. The microdistricts being created, where new residents come, contribute to active motorization, due to which the quality of the natu-ral environment deteriorates. Renovation of industrial zones for large parks and squares would sig-nificantly increase green spaces and favorably affect the natural environment, however, such terri-tories are again being built up with high-rise residential buildings. Recommendations are given, thanks to which it is possible to limit the overpopulation of large cities and improve the ecological situation in urbanized territories
ecology, megapolis, pollution, motorization, renovation, industrial zone, natural environment, con-struction
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