, Russian Federation
The article reports on the local history research work carried out in the Istok children's and youth center. In the course of the research, the life and work of the Kaluga ethnographer M.E. Sheremeteva is studied. She published a number of scientific works, gathered an ethnographic collection and created an ethnographic division in the Kaluga Museum of Local Lore. However, about the life and work of M.E. Sheremeteva is known not enough. During the period of work on this topic in the Istok center a large number of materials from the State Archives of the Kaluga Region, the funds of the Kaluga United Museum-Reserve, periodicals of the 1st half of the 20th century were studied. As a result, previously unknown documents and facts from the life of Maria Evgenievna were discovered, information about the collection of ethnographic objects for the museum and information for replenishing the catalog of the collection of M.E. Sheremeteva.
archival materials; ethnographic collection; expeditionary activities; local history; M.E. Sheremeteva
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