UDK 004.925.8 Геометрическое моделирование
The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm for solving educational computational and graphic work from a cycle of constructive tasks of engineering and construction design (construction graphics) by computer geometric modeling in the environment of the domestic nanoCAD program. Algorithmization of the solution of the problem was carried out on the example of a training task from the cycle of graphic works in the course "Engineering and computer graphics", which is performed by students in the first semester and is the basis for solving problems of engineering and construction design. It is shown that the use of computer geometric modeling methods by means of modern software products makes it possible to speed up the process of solving a problem, simplify the calculation of the necessary data and visualize the results, which together contribute to an increase in the didactic effect and mastering the learning competencies necessary in future professional activities. Computer geometric modeling contributes to the understanding of the principles of modern information technologies, and also instills the skills to use them to solve more complex educational problems and tasks of future professional activity. Thus, the application of the proposed algorithm of computer geometric modeling in solving educational and applied problems within the framework of the training course "Engineering and Computer Graphics" in the preparation of students of engineering and construction profile, as well as in the performance of research and design activities is appropriate.
computer geometric modeling, nanoCAD, learning task, construction site, excavation
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