Purpose: To consider the possibility of remote calibration of electronic travel templates in the Far North districts. Verification and calibration of measuring instruments are the most important metrological operations aimed at the support of measurement uniformity and allowing to determine being measured quantity values with the indications of a measuring instrument, to define corrections to its indications and to estimate the inaccuracy of these instruments. With society and technology development, the course on the improvement of calibration procedures of measuring instruments and automation of processes has become relevant. Active introduction of programmable measuring instruments has opened up opportunities for the introduction of new ways of transmitting the units of physical quantities. To show the advantage of remote calibration of electronic trip templates in comparison with conventional calibration in economic and time terms since the need to transport a trip template to distant metrology centers for periodic calibration check disappears. Methods: Conducting experiment of remote calibration of electronic trip template at a big distance using Internet global network and special software, namely the programs "Integration Module", "Neva-1 Service Software" "LetsView", "Unitess View", "Agent Mail.ru". Results: The possibility of remote calibration was determined, the programs necessary for the work were tested, the results of experimental study with the use of Internet global network were presented and calibration protocol was obtained. Practical significance: The possibility of introducing remote calibration has been determined which will allow to reduce cost for transportation of electronic trip templates upon their periodic calibration and to lower the required time for metrological maintenance.
Remote calibration, electronic trip template, measurement, informational technologies, Far North
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