Purpose: Substantiation and development of new environmentally safe trends for utilization of dump rock of Donbass coal mines as technogenic aluminum deposits. To investigate mineralogical and chemical composition of dump rock samples of metamorphism varying degrees in order to substantiate the possibility of their processing as technogenic poor aluminum raw material. To conduct the experiments on chemical and biochemical (bacterial) leaching of fluid (soluble) aluminum compounds from dump rock samples. Methods: Analysis of chemical transformations and technogenic mineralogy in stored dump rock. Chemical and biochemical acid leaching of aluminum sulfate salts from dump rock of metamorphism varying degrees was carried out. Results: It has been established that according to the content of bauxites, the dump rock of Donbass coal mines can be attributed to poor aluminum raw material. Method of acid chemical leaching of soluble aluminum compounds with sulfuric acid solutions of various concentrations is proposed and effective leaching with weak acid solutions is proved. Method of biochemical (bacterial) leaching of aluminum salts is substantiated and vindicated. Practical significance: It is testified that environmental friendliness and cost–effectiveness of the process of closely-grouped biochemical leaching is ensured by the fact that the main reagent — sulfuric acid - is formed naturally as a result of bacteria vital functions and the process does not need additional technological units for acid production.
Mines, rock dumps, waste recycling, acid leaching, bacteria Th. ferrooxidans, aluminum
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