, Russian Federation
Purpose: To analyze the organization of safe operation of transport infrastructure facilities, their maintenance, routine repairs and working control in terms of building constructions. To establish the imperfections of regulatory documents for building and structure projection, construction and exploitation, to develop recommendations on quality improvement for facility safe operation organization. Methods: Analysis of regulatory documents (State Standards, Codes of Rules, Technical Regulations, Federal Laws, etc.), the results of technical inspection of constructional structures of buildings and facilities, the quality assessment of construction and exploitation of facilities including transport infrastructural ones. Results: Overview and analysis of the organization of safe operation of transport infrastructure facilities on all stages of lifecycle are given. The reliability and operability of constructional structures of buildings and facilities on transport depends on projection quality and the presence in specified documentation of full value section on facility exploitation, compliance of construction-installation works with specified documentation, timeliness, the presence there of the completeness and quality of working control, maintenance and routine repairs of a facility. Acting regulatory documents require particular practical recommendations or references on terminology regulations, additions and clarifications. The specificities of maintenance, routine repair and working control for constructional structures of buildings and facilities, the issues of their conformity and condition assessment as well as of reliability support in accordance with acting legislation are considered. Practical significance: "Instructions for Safe Exploitation of Foundations and Constructional Structures of Infrastructural Objects of St. Petersburg Subway" has been developed which has been introduced into the practical activities of Tunnel Construction Service for State Unitary Enterprise "St. Petersburg Subway", imperfections of regulatory documents at projection, construction and exploitation stage have been identified, recommendations on improving the quality to organize safe exploitation of buildings and constructions during the development of regulatory documents have been proposed.
Transport infrastructure, buildings, structures, constructional facilities, safe exploitation, maintenance, routine repair, exploitational control, inspection, monitoring
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